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How to Talk to a Web Developer

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Have you ever found yourself wondering how to approach and talk to a web developer? If you’re reading this blog you most likely have, you might be here for a variety of reasons, such as being a client, a team member, or a friend. In my blog, as a web developer, I will educate you on ways to speak with web developers.

.1 Define Reasons & Objectives

Firstly, before even thinking about talking to anyone no matter what you should generally try and find the reason why you’re doing it. There could be many reasons depending on factors such as being a classmate, co-worker, or someone you’re commissioning. Secondly, establish your objective for why you want to be friends with the web developer, It’s very important to have a purpose on why you want to become friends with a person as it gives you a heads up on what you should make the conversation about,

.2 Understand The Basics of The Person And Web Development

Before actually talking to a person, especially a web developer you should try and understand what kind of person they are and a bit about their interests. Having insight into a person’s background and interests can always help you better understand them, furthermore understanding the basics of web development can help you cultivate a better understanding of the web developer you’re trying to talk to.

.3 Communicate Your Feelings Effectively

Communication is key! So while talking to a web developer make sure you’re communicating you’re emotions, and explain to the web developer why you want to talk to them. This will not only help you but it will also help the web developer as you’ll mutually be aware of what the other person is thinking of, this will also help make the conversation smoother as you’ll both be on the same page.

.4 Keep The Conversation Relevant

Relevancy is important to any conversation. Pick a topic that interests you or the web developer you’re trying to talk to and try and stick to it, this will ensure that you’re conversation is not only productive but also focused. Additionally, this will help you and the web developer create a closer bond as you two will be able to share your views and opinions on a relevant topic.

.5 Respect Their Opinions

In conversations, it’s always proper etiquette to respect the other person’s opinions so no matter how silly the average web developer may sound try and be respectful of their humor. Not only will this show that you’re a decent person but it’ll also create an overall more positive atmosphere leaving both you and the web developer satisfied with each other’s company.

.6 End On A Positive Note

The two most important parts of a conversation are the beginning and the ending so make sure to end the conversation on a positive note, this will likely make the web developer engage in more conversation with you in the future. Thank them for their time, apologize if needed, and say goodbye. A nice smile and a handshake can really help make a lasting impression on a person.


Summarizing everything I’ve said firstly before you begin a conversation with a web developer define to yourself why you want to talk to them. Secondly, try and educate yourself on things related to them such as HTML and or CSS this lets the web developer know that you have some insight into what they do and this might help you and them become closer, then try and communicate your feelings to them effectively as that’ll help the web developer understand you a little better also make sure what you’re talking about is relevant to what you or the web developer want, no matter where the conversation is trying and be respectful of the web developers opinion as that creates a positive atmosphere. After you think you are done with the conversation end it on a positive note and if possible smile or shake their hand as that can leave lasting impressions.

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