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The Importance of Website Backups

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What Is A Website Backup?

To understand the importance of a backup website let’s first try and understand what a website backup is. A website has many files that make it what it is such as programming files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python) Media files (Images, Videos, GIFs) Plugins, and themes. A website backup essentially takes all those files and keeps them in a place where they are safely kept. If your website ever has any complications or problems that you didn’t intend for you can use your website backup to replace the files that are currently running on your site with a previously saved one

What is a Website backup /Image by – Internetdevels

Why is having a website backup important?

Well, having a website backup is important for a multitude of reasons. Some reasons I can think of straight off my head include cyber attacks. If your website ever gets attacked by hackers, Technical errors happen, A plugin breaks your website and they ruin your website you can always restore it with just a single button.

Backups are your website insurance/Image by – Nevena Tomovic

How often should you back up your website?

Firstly backing up a website can vary depending on many factors such as Important updates, Website rebranding, and technical errors in the website but without those factors, and as a general rule if you have a dynamic website you should try and back up your website at least once a week or every few small updates and if you have a static website you should usually try and backup your website at least once or twice every month in general.

Website backup rate/ Image by – Ciiindy English

What are the pros and cons of backing up your website?

From reading what I’m preaching it may sound like there’s nothing negative about having a website backup but there are plenty of pros and cons of having a website backup. Some cons of having a website backup include. Backup frequency, determining what time you need to back up your website is hard it’s like taxes if you think hard enough because doing too much can hurt you but doing too little can also hurt you too. If you back up your website too frequently it can lead to having a slower website because it’s using so much of your website storage and if you back up too little it can lead to not having an updated backup when your website gets messed up. Another con of backing up your website is storage space backing up a single website takes a lot of storage and most websites tend to have multiple backups so it usually takes up a lot of website bandwidth. Now let’s talk about some pros of website backups a pro of website backups is quick recovery. A website backup allows you to fix your website with one button and another pro is there are many free website backup plugins!

Recovery Backup frequency
Security Storage Space
Table of pros & Cons/ Table by – Samir Magar

Final Thoughts!

In conclusion, a website backup acts as an undo button. It provides you with security for free and it safeguards your website from unforeseen problems such as cyber attacks, data loss, and technical errors. A website backup is extremely important for websites not just because of it’s security but also because it can completely change your website. I hope you liked this blog and if you want more.> Click here

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